He is destroying ordinary states of consciousness to complexify, stabilize, and deepen his experience of the world.
the cosmic joke is that- everyone is so serious!
you end up laughing because you thought it was'nt a joke.
Shiva is destroying boundaries by going beyond what is accepted and conventional.
There is going out to that world of infinity and going into that world of humaniy, of finitude.
Shiva smokes weed to bring him the to the vastness of infinity. Shiva is realizing that the conventional world is a singular speck of a vast infinity.
imagine infinity.
its more than that.
try infinity to the infinite power
keep going
got to destroy the singularity of I am Me to get to the thing that pervades all things.
Consciousness pervades all things.
Infinity Pervades all singularity.
when you fall in the pool of infinity you cant tell which voices are yours and which voices are not.
what if you thought the opposite of what you think now?
what if you stepped into the realm of the unknown of the unknown?
what if you turned the mirror back on itself?
once you fall in the pool of infinity it takes forever to bring you back.
once you realize that you are consciousness that pervades all things there is infinitely more of yourself to create.
Shakti is the world that we are born into.
She is the womb.
She is the mirror that is pointing on consciousness.
Shiva, by merging with Shakti, is able to wake back up from his trip of infinity back to singular reality.
You cannot go into the realm of infinity if there first is no you!
Shakti is the potentiating thing and the restricting thing
Shiva is the way we can be conscious of the potentiated and restricted nature of matter.
Shiva as consicousness pervades all things
Shakti as material pervades all things
Shiva is the static
Shakti is the dynamic
Shiva and Shakti create music
The silence is Shiva and the sounds are Shakti
In order to create music we need both silence and sound
Shakti is the capacity for consciousness to be conscious of itself.
Shakti is the one who is having the experience.
you have to have the one thing in order to comprehend the infinite.
Shakti is the one thing.
Shakti is the capacity for one thing to manifest itself infinitely.
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