Monday, March 10, 2008

Still Jumping the once concealed

The meditation is the journey into Síva's heart. 
Siva's heart is a model for ultimate reality.  

The deeper you go into oneness the more parts you create.  
everytime you divide to get to a smaller point you get more points.  

Shiva's heart is infinite and is located within the realm of Vimarsha- self reflection.  
In other words consciousness has the capacity to be conscious of itself.   

Siva is the encoder and Vishnu (krishna) is the decoder. Vishnu is telling us what in the world goes where and Siva is making more of the world. 

Om namah Sivaya.  
Siva is the cosmic father. 

Shakti is the obstruction to Siva's nature. 

Siva is the light, Shakti is the lightshade. 
Shakti's grace is the thing that allows our consciousness to be embodied.
Shakti is the womb.  

Siva is walking around in the dark, in his vast consciousness and Shakti holds up a crystal. 
She built the house for the Pandavas. 
She is the fertility storhouse. 

She is the factor that is allowing the consciousness to reflect off of something. 
She is the house (body) that we are all born into

The moon is the way that the sun gets to see itself. 
In order for consciousness to experience itself it must manifest itself in its other. 
This is Shakti's grace. 

The world is a raging hard on. 
Shakti is making it erect, She is allowing the energy of consciousness to become embodied. 

She's the one who is obscuring Siva's nature. 
Shiva is the ascetic, but as the ascetic Shakti obscures Shivas nature by turning him on. 

Essentially Shiva starts to do this sexual meditation.  

Shiva is the in between, He is the ascetic-erotic. 
Shakti is holding something up in the way of infinity so Siva's consciousness reflects off of something. 
Siva is the sun Shakti is the moon. THATS WHY SIVA WAKES UP! He's like what the fuck is this? Paging me at five twenty six in the moon'n. She makes him realize that he is embodied. That's why I quit smoking cigarettes. 
I want to live! 

Some religions are irrational because they claim to be real. The reason I like hinduism is the same reason I like cartoons. cartoons create a whole new world where everything is fake or an illusion but that creates more possibilities and they do not claim to be real. They're saying hey were not claiming to be real and our whole world is built on that.. Hinduism is a cartoon. Some other religions are like silly unrealistic pop sitcoms. Or even worse. Reality TV. Some other religions are saying the cartoon is real. Some Hindus are also saying that it is real but they recognize it as a cartoon. Everyone is living in a cartoon and most people don't know it. The multitude of Gods and Goddesses are here to show us all of the cartoon characters that we embody from one moment to the next. Falsity leads to deeper truths. Calling the world a cartoon is a falsity in order to complexify, stabilize and deepen our experience of the world, in that order. haha.  The world is a hall of mirrors

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